Bloxom Winery sends out an invite – join us in 2020 for some fine wines and dines

Bloxom Winery sends out an invite – join us in 2020 for some fine wines and dines

We’re really excited for the year 2020 here at Bloxom winery. Some people will say that the this year has started out pretty bad, given all the bad things that have started happening around the world. We’re pretty bummed about them as well, but that doesn’t mean that we should just be desperate, give up. Give our work history we have friends in Australia, China, just to name a few current hotspots, and they are fighting, so we really don’t have any other option but to do the same.

Bloxom Winery sends out an invite – join us in 2020 for some fine wines and dines

What really makes this year so iconic for us that it’s the year that we’re going to be getting a full crop off of our vineyard. Some of the seedlings that we’ve put up ourselves have grown in nicely last year. All the old growth grapevines have been cleaned up nicely and have finally started looking healthy again.

A lot of people people don’t realize just how much care goes into growing grapes, or in growing anything for that matter, so you’re really have to apologize if we’re kind of giggly and this seems off-putting for you. Anyway, if you would like to join us at our vineyard, come in for a wine tasting, please do. This year there’ll be plenty of wine, hopefully, and we can’t wait to have you as a guest.